Basic Strut


This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long with an 8-count introduction and 32-count square (8 counts each side, executing a left flank on each count 8). Baton is cradled on arm or extended from arm with arm swing. Free hand positioned on hip or swinging at side.

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This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long with an 8-count introduction and 32-count square (8 counts each side, executing a left flank on each count 8). Baton is cradled on arm or extended from arm with arm swing. Free hand positioned on hip or swinging at side.

This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long with an 8-count introduction and 32-count square (8 counts each side, executing a left flank on each count 8). Baton is cradled on arm or extended from arm with arm swing. Free hand positioned on hip or swinging at side.