Parade March


This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long.

  • 40-count music with 32-count forward progression march beginning on second count of 8. (8 counts to each side, executing a left flank on each count 8).

  • Lower body must be in step throughout the 32-counts of forward progression (no spins, gymnastics, or other lower body movements).

  • Baton may be used in any mode and pattern of twirling.

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This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long.

  • 40-count music with 32-count forward progression march beginning on second count of 8. (8 counts to each side, executing a left flank on each count 8).

  • Lower body must be in step throughout the 32-counts of forward progression (no spins, gymnastics, or other lower body movements).

  • Baton may be used in any mode and pattern of twirling.

This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long.

  • 40-count music with 32-count forward progression march beginning on second count of 8. (8 counts to each side, executing a left flank on each count 8).

  • Lower body must be in step throughout the 32-counts of forward progression (no spins, gymnastics, or other lower body movements).

  • Baton may be used in any mode and pattern of twirling.