Parade March
This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long.
40-count music with 32-count forward progression march beginning on second count of 8. (8 counts to each side, executing a left flank on each count 8).
Lower body must be in step throughout the 32-counts of forward progression (no spins, gymnastics, or other lower body movements).
Baton may be used in any mode and pattern of twirling.
This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long.
40-count music with 32-count forward progression march beginning on second count of 8. (8 counts to each side, executing a left flank on each count 8).
Lower body must be in step throughout the 32-counts of forward progression (no spins, gymnastics, or other lower body movements).
Baton may be used in any mode and pattern of twirling.
This event uses the USTA Basic, Military Strut Music and is a total of 30 seconds long.
40-count music with 32-count forward progression march beginning on second count of 8. (8 counts to each side, executing a left flank on each count 8).
Lower body must be in step throughout the 32-counts of forward progression (no spins, gymnastics, or other lower body movements).
Baton may be used in any mode and pattern of twirling.